The most powerful protection

Superior mobile security management that’s easy to use and manage, ensures user privacy and stops every single threat, in order to keep your business and employees safe.

Mobile security matters

Mobile is not just about email anymore. Most if not all business applications are now accessible from your employees mobile devices. Increased risk means heightened threats.

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    Employees are 18x more likely to click on a phishing link via mobile

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    84% of organizations regularly encounter mobile phishing scams

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    Two in five organizations have had employees download mailicious apps

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    54% of employee mobile devices have poor security configuration

Mobile security solved

Corrata provides market leading protection against SMS phishing, malicious links, malware and network attacks. And it does this with a solution which is employee friendly, simple to deploy and easy to manage.

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  • 3x

    Corrata is 3x more effective at blocking SMS phishing than our competitors

  • 100/100

    The security score achieved by over 95% of devices running Corrata

  • 52%

    Of employee phones encounter a malicious link in any 2 week period

  • 1,000

    Average number of scans performed by Corrata per device per day

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How Corrata helps

  • The CISO

  • Employees

  • The CIO

  • Corrata goes deeper

    Corrata provides superior protection because our technology enables us to see and counter more threats than alternative solutions. Corrata scans traffic, devices and apps for indicators of compromise, poor configurations, vulnerabilities and suspicious activities.

    The breadth of our visibility is allied to the strength of our controls to detect and defeat both sophisticated and commodity threats.

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  • Employees embrace Corrata

    Mobile devices are almost always used by employees for both business and personal purposes. The privacy bar is correspondingly high. Because Corrata operates on-device it avoids the privacy pitfalls common to endpoint security solutions. Corrata does not track location, scan files or record browsing history. The Corrata application runs unobtrusively in the background and doesn’t interfere with the normal operation of your employees’ phones.

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  • Simple to deploy, easy to manage

    Corrata integrates seamlessly with mobile device management systems and other critical IT infrastructure. This makes it easy to deploy and manage. Corrata focuses on intercepting threats before they cause harm, blocking threats before they arrive on the device. Guided remediation makes it easy for employees to resolve device issues without assistance. Escalations are rare, meaning that your organization can dramatically improve its security posture with little additional workload for busy IT staff.

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Corrata’s key capabilities

Corrata dramatically reduces the mobile risk by protecting your employees' devices across multiple dimensions.

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    Robust protection against smishing and other malicious links

    Corrata automatically scans all connection attempts to ensure they are safe. It combines industry threat feeds with specialized threat intelligence and detection techniques to ensure both a very high success rate with a very low rate of false positives.

    Testing has shown Corrata to be 3x as effective as the competition.

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    Powerful malware detection and response

    Corrata extends the state of the art for malware detection on mobile. By observing a wide range of network traffic metadata, Corrata is able to identify suspicious activity associated with potential infections even when there is nothing visible on the device. By controlling traffic regardless of its protocols Corrata is able to automatically disable malware by blocking CnC traffic across malicious domains, IP address and ports.

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    Unique network protection

    Corrata interrogates the quality of communications encryption to ensure that sensitive data is never transmitted insecurely over any network, Wi-Fi, cellular or fixed. Compliance with encryption standards is monitored for any websites applications with which devices interact. Certificate pinning can be implemented even when accessing applications via a browser.

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    Effective vulnerability management

    Corrata’s unique security score provides an easy to understand summary of the security stance for all your employee devices. Gamification and guided remediation encourages end-users to keep their devices up to date, fix poor configuration setting and remove potentially harmful applications. Quarantining is a powerful tool to isolate insecure devices and to encourage end-users to remediate.

Guide to Mobile Phishing

On mobile devices 85% of phishing attacks take
place outside email. Click the link below to learn
more about the mobile phishing threat.


We’re on a mission

We’re here to stop every existing and emerging threat to your mobile workforce and business. Explore our Use Cases to find out more about the powerful and proactive protection we provide.

  • Mobile Phishing

  • Anti-malware

  • Device Trust

  • AiTM Protection

  • Vulnerability management

  • Web filtering

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    use case

    Mobile Phishing

    Every day employees are being targeted with mobile phishing attacks which leverage SMS, QR codes, messaging apps and social media to harvest credentials, steal authentication cookies and more.

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    use case


    Sophisticated malware such as the notorious Pegasus and its clones are being used to undermine the built in security of both iOS and Android making sensitive content accessible to bad actors.

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    use case

    Device Trust

    Confidence that security status of any device your employee is using to access enterprise apps is foundational. Having a robust way to achieve device trust for every employee is essential.

    Device Trust
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    use case

    AiTM Protection

    In today’s cloud centric world most enterprise data travels over networks which are fundamentally insecure. Corrata provides the protection you need to ensure that your data remains private.

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    use case

    Vulnerability management

    Good device security posture is critical to reducing risk. Corrata monitors the settings and activity on your employees’ devices, assessing their security status and prompting end users to remedy any issues found.

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    use case

    Web filtering

    Blocking access to categories of content which are risky or against your organization’s acceptable use policy is an essential step for mobile security. Corrata provides robust, privacy sensitive web filtering tailored to your organization’s needs.

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