Rogue rates: Mobile providers inadvertent overcharging on your mobile bills

What are Rogue rates
Rogue data (n): that which is maintained outside the control of business systems;
Rogue rates (n): Mobile providers inadvertent overcharging on your mobile bills;
Rouge rates are daylight robbery
During oversight analysis, Corrata typically discovers that as much as 5% of all enterprise mobile service bills include overcharging due to ‘Rogue’ rates. That is charges that are not in agreement with the rates set out in your contract with your provider. By identifying these billing errors and bringing them to the attention of your service provider, you can ensure that all appropriate credits are posted to your account and all billing programming is corrected so no future errors occur. These erroneous charges are in fact the hardest the find, but happily, the easiest to turn into cold hard cash. Your provider should immediately credit your account with the total amount they have overcharged you, going back as far as necessary to correct all mistakes on their part. Remember to carefully check your next few statements to make very sure they don’t repeat the mistakes.
Many of our enterprise customers have been able to banish these rogue interlopers from their bills completely, and in the process have happily reduced their monthly mobile spend by as much as 30%. Given that fact that some enterprise mobile data plan statements are dozens of pages long, this is a difficult task to accomplish manually. But it is doable, especially if you have a monitoring software solution on your side that has that function programmed in.